What does the percentage that appears next to a student in the "Markbook" tab of a textbook or the "Student markbook" tab of a group mean?

What does the percentage that appears next to a student in the "Markbook" tab of a textbook or the "Student markbook" tab of a group mean?

The percentage shows the student's average score, which is calculated by adding up the scores obtained in each activity and dividing them by the maximum score possible for the total of those activities. The progress bar shows how many of the elements associated to the textbook have been opened or completed by the student.

When you click on a student's name, you will see their average score for each of the skills. Scrolling down, you will be able to see the score obtained in each completed activity and review the answers. The pencil icon indicates that an activity requires manual grading.

In the "Students markbook" tab of a group, the percentages you see correspond to the textbook or textbooks associated to that group. If the group has been associated more than one textbook, the percentage you see will be the average of the score for each of the books. When you click on the student's name, you will see the individual average for each textbook.